The Scotsman

On the attack


Nicola Sturgeon has stepped up her attack on Theresa May’s stance on Brexit and accused the Tories of “economic vandalism” over the impact on Scotland.

It was made crystal clear – by both sides of the argument – during the EU referendum campaign that leaving the EU also meant the UK leaving the Single Market. So why does the First Minister continue to harp on about the UK remaining in the EU?

Not a Lemming

If Sturgeon wants to see what economic vandalism looks like she need only reread the infamous Growth Commission Report. You know, the one she maintains a stony silence about!.

Reality Demands To Be Heard

As usual, Sturgeon is trying to make political capital out of Brexit to try to further the case for independen­ce.

Harp The UK are underminin­g themselves quite perfectly without help from NS.

Henry Hooper The complexity of the issues involved is far greater than was envisaged. It doesn’t mean we just throw in the towel and surrender to the bureaucrat­ic vandalism of the EC. spending and benefits need to decrease under an indy Scotland?

Red Kola

This is not the first time Britain has fought to free Europe. We will do it again.

Big Scotlander

Dad’s Army alert!

George Kelly problemati­c existence and mindset.

Just Sayin Like

This is hilarious. I assume it is meant to be a spoof?

George Mackie

Personally, I have noted several men-controllin­g women, as well as men controllin­g women. a politicall­y motivated movement concentrat­ing on decimating careers of highprofil­e people who aren’t the flavour of the month. There are other ways to tackle abuse issues, but attacking men on the whole isn’t one of them. #metoo will never destroy the genuine bond men and women share.

Med One If Mr Mcgarvey is shamed by his behaviour in the past that is an issue for him. Trying to tar everyone else with his brush is pretty obscene and very offensive.

Another Voice Control freaks can be either men or women.

oneworld72 promotions on foods high in salt, fat and sugar.

I am past 70 years and have done very well without being told by politician­s how to eat and drink.

Country Cousin

I had some poppadom the other night. Didn’t realise I was breaking SNP rules. Worth it. Excellent they were.

Ken Currie

When will the madness end? None of this can be constituti­onal, you cannot possibly prevent anyone from offering free sides, nor should you be able to prevent someone from buying the deal. What is this government doing? Have they lost their minds?

Med One

Any chance they could do something about Scottish education, NHS Scotland, Police Scotland, etc, etc? No? Too difficult? OK, ban prawn crackers, I’m sure it will make a big difference to us Scots.

City Loon

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