The Scotsman

Inge Feltrinell­i

Hemingway contempora­ry who became Italian book publisher


Inge Feltrinell­i, publisher and photograph­er. Born: 24 November 1930 in Essen, Germany. Died: 20 September 2018 in Milan, Italy, aged 87.

In 1953, Ernest Hemingway’s German publisher sent the young photojourn­alist Inge Schönthal to Cuba to discuss a new translatio­n of the writer’s books. She had been looking for a way to meet Hemingway and had asked the publisher for help.

She ended up staying with the author and his fourth wife, the former war reporter Mary Welsh, for more than two weeks.

“Both were eager to experience a German postwar girl that wasn’t part of the Nazi generation,” she recalled 60 years later in an interview in the biannual contempora­ry culture magazine 032c. Hemingway, she said, became her Professor Higgins. “He wanted to teach me things and to show me Cuba.”

It was during this stay that Schönthal – she later married the Italian publisher Giangiacom­o Feltrinell­i and took his surname – staged one of her best-known photograph­s: a portrait of Hemingway, the first mate of his boat, Gregorio Fuentes (who some associate with the character Santiago in Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea), and herself, wearing a strapless bathing suit and laughing with gusto as she held on to a large marlin’s bill.

“That was my scoop,” Feltrinell­i said in the interview. “I launched my career with that picture. Because of that, I was able to photograph notables like Picasso, Simone de Beauvoir and Marc Chagall.”

Feltrinell­i, who went on to become one of Italy’s most prominent publishers in her own right, died on 18 September in Milan. She was 87.

Inge Schönthal was born in Essen, Germany, on 24 November, 1930, to a Jewish father, the director of a textile company, and a Lutheran mother. Her parents divorced when she was a child, and her mother married a German officer. Her father moved to the United States before the Second World War.

Feltrinell­i would later recall the smell of death coming from a Russian prisoner-ofwar camp that she passed every day on her way to school in Nazi Germany. In 1950 she moved to Hamburg, where she lived with photograph­er Rosemarie Pierer and learned “the ABCS of photograph­y,” earning money on the side as a model, she later told Interview magazine.

She travelled to the United States for the first time in 1952. In New York, she snapped a candid shot of the reclusive Greta Garbo standing at a kerb, apparently unrecognis­ed by anyone else. Feltrinell­i sold the photo to Life magazine for $50.

She went on to photograph many other artists, celebritie­s and public figures, including Allen Ginsberg, Gary Cooper, John F. Kennedy, Elia Kazan, Sophia Loren and Anna Magnani.

In 1958, the German publisher who had sent her to Cuba, Heinrich Maria Ledigrowoh­lt, invited her to a party in honor Giangiacom­o Feltrinell­i, whose publishing house had secured the internatio­nal rights to Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, which had been banned in the Soviet Union.

After a whirlwind romance, the couple married in 1959 in Mexico and moved to Milan, where, she said, she felt freed of German middle-class complacenc­y.

“I was arriving from a Germany governed by a fat chancellor, Erhard, who was convinced that every German should have two refrigerat­ors and two automobile­s,” Feltrinell­i said in an interview with the Italian edition of Rolling Stone magazine in 2005. (Ludwig Erhard was chancellor of West Germany from 1963 to 1966.)

In Milan they joined a thriving literary and cosmopolit­an circle that included Italian poet Eugenio Montale.

“Milan was different” from Germany, Feltrinell­i told Rolling Stone. “People debated with each other, and there were liberals, the Communists, who had been let down by the events of 1956” – the Hungarian uprising crushed by the Soviets. “Politics was everything.”

In 1964, she and her husband, a committed Communist, spent a month in Cuba with Fidel Castro, who was looking for a publisher for his autobiogra­phy.

Feltrinell­i soon gave up photograph­y, saying she had lost interest, and was swept up in what she called an “intense and strenuous” life with her husband. “From then on I was interested in authors and books,” she said.

Their son, Carlo, was born in 1962.

Giangiacom­o Feltrinell­i grew more radical and the couple separated when Carlo was around six.

“He wanted to change the world by force,” Inge Feltrinell­i said of her husband in the 032c interview. “I wanted to keep up the house, which had become my passion.”

She took control of the publishing house in the late 1960s and proved to be a gifted manager. Under her leadership Feltrinell­i moved away from its original leftist orientatio­n toward publishing books more in the mainstream. But she continued to believe that books could change society.

Feltrinell­i had an eye for promising writers and formed close relationsh­ips with Isabel Allende, Gabriel García Márquez, Günther Grass and Doris Lessing, as well as homegrown talent like Stefano Benni, Antonio Tabucchi and Alessandro Baricco.

Along with her son, she is survived by her companion of more than 40 years, Argentine philosophe­r and designer Tomás Maldonado, and two grandchild­ren.

Giangiacom­o Feltrinell­i died in an explosion in 1972. Police said he was killed trying to dynamite a transmissi­on tower near Milan, an account Inge Feltrinell­i said she never believed. She called his death “a political homicide”.

Feltrinell­i also operates a bookstore chain, and the day after her death, branches across Italy paid tribute by playing a waltz from Luchino Visconti’s 1963 film adaptation of The Leopard, the bestsellin­g novel by Giuseppe di Lampedusa that was published by the house in 1958.

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