The Scotsman

Your life in the stars

- Cassandra Nye


21 Mar - 20 Apr Full of fun and optimism? You should be in this special week. Something you have been frustrated by has now passed.


21Apr-20may In a productive and inspiring week, be ready to make some longneeded changes. Decide on your plan for the month before leaping ahead.


21May-20jun A promising new relationsh­ip needs careful handling. Don’t be too influenced by what has gone before but cut ties if you need to.


21Jun-22jul What do you really want? A personal connection is on the brink of change. Before you rush ahead, give yourself the chance to really decide.


23 Jul - 22 Aug With charm simply oozing from you this week, you sure have the advantage. Now is the time to look forward, certainly not back.


23 Aug - 21 Sep This is a week in which you feel extra special. Why? Because you are! A recent event has left you with a bit more confidence and rightly so.


22Sep-22oct It is a romantic time with plenty of chances for celebratio­n and fun. Those still looking for love must be choosy and not take second best.


23 Oct - 21 Nov Maybe this is a week to step back a bit and take stock. When full of energy, you do feel like just bulldozing your way through, but resist.


22Nov-21dec Did last week throw up a disappoint­ment? Finding it hard to get over it? Worry not. This week’s New Moon gives a fresh start.


22Dec-20jan Your imaginatio­n and heart can rush ahead. Whatever was holding you back has either disappeare­d or is no longer important.


21 Jan - 18 Feb Another great rush of energy and imaginatio­n hits you this week. Just out of the blue comes an idea and a plan. Don’t let the moment slip.


19Feb-20mar Such are the possibilit­ies before you that it is hard to make a plan. Start on something within easy reach and then progress from there. n

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