The Scotsman

Face facts


SNP figures criticised BBC politics show Newsnight after it used an incorrect picture of the party’s leader at Westminste­r, showing Angus Robertson instead of Ian Blackford.

All these white, middle-aged, middle class men look the same to me. Big deal, someone made a mistake get over it.

chockabloc­k You would think the BBC politics team would know who the leader of the third largest party in Westminste­r is.

Daviejams Do you honestly think Maitlis herself or another key member of the team put together the composite photo? It’ll have been an intern who used Google and pasted in the first photo that popped up.

Edmund North The biggest mistake the BBC ever made was showing a gorilla on a story about Sturgeon. The gorilla threatened to sue.

kmcn To be fair, the gorilla could make a much better attempt at running the country

Fery Smiley Scotland has fallen by almost 12,000 – while rising elsewhere around the UK, official figures show. Santa’s little helpers are being recruited

Bog of Despair Record number of people in employment, some of it due to universal credit, but with employment rates as low as the early 1970s the UK can’t be a bad place to live. All we need now is to stop the political nonsense in Scotland and we’ll be fine.

Sweeney Bean

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