The Scotsman

Indyref fading?


The prospect of a second Scottish independen­ce referendum may not arise until after the next Holyrood election in 2021, Nicola Sturgeon has indicated.

That’s great news, by then the SNP will be history, and we will find out the true shambles that they have caused. There might well be cause for judicial investigat­ion and criminal charges brought against some SNP members.

Peter King As has frequently been said, constituti­onal matters are outside Holyrood’s remit and Holyrood cannot be used as a platform to launch a second referendum. Moreover, there is no current mandate from Holyrood for another referendum. What the SNP claim to be a mandate was in reality a vote specifical­ly engineered to produce a result that the SNP desired. It is more appropriat­e to call it a cynical act of gerrymande­ring.

world wide football fan What is obvious is the leader of the SNP has absolutely no plans whatsoever for another independen­ce referendum for Scotland and she is simply not being honest with her party and supporters.


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