The Scotsman

Paper fortune


Adam Smith’s own copy of his most famous work, The Wealth of Nations, could fetch a staggering £800,000 at auction next month.

Doubt there is any reference in the book to a nation becoming wealthy by getting

a £15 billion annual bung from another nation (and mumping about how it’s not enough).

Auld Reekie Not likely to find a buyer in Scotland, given the dominant cultural Marxism prevalence in every sphere from politics to law to universiti­es to media.

Crann_tara Inflation seems to have got out of control.

jbp101 From Adam Smith to Elaine C Smith… Scotland’s certainly come a long way.

Freewheel Between 1707 and 1776, Scotland went from warring clans and bankruptcy to wealth and enlightenm­ent. Now there’s a union dividend!


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