The Scotsman




Nicola Sturgeon clashed with the Tories during yesterday’s First Minister’s Questions at Holyrood over Brexit and fishing rights. Interim Conservati­ve leader Jackson Carlaw said the SNP wanted to “drag” fishermen back into the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) by staying in the European Union. The First Minister said her party would vote against Prime Minister Theresa May’s deal next month because it will “sell out” Scottish fishermen.

@Scottories wrote: “Is Sturgeon trying to tell us that she knows more about fish than the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation?”

@Meanwhiles­cotia said: “Amazing how the Scottish Tories are trying to pretend they never wanted to stay in the EU. All for a few fish.”

@_Danparis said: “The Tories talk endlessly about fishing because their Brexit deal has literally nothing else to offer Scotland. Their problem is that, behind the bluster, that deal falls well short of the promises they made to fishermen – and they know it.”

@rosscolquh­oun claimed: “There’s a long history of Tories selling out Scottish fishing.” Tory MSP @murdo_fraser joked: “Nearly lunchtime. I fancy some fish.”


Australia’s sweetheart Hugh Jackman announced a world tour with him singing songs from The Greatest Showman and Les Miserables – sadly, Scotland isn’t on his agenda. Fans who were expecting a new Wolverine movie got their claws out.

@Comicbook chimed: “Hugh Jackman finally made his ‘big announceme­nt’ and it isn’t at all what fans were hoping for.”

@Griddlemar­ks said: “Lol to everyone who thought Hugh Jackman was announcing a Logan /Deadpool movie.”

@Tbroomey wrote: “Hugh Jackman could literally die and people would speculate on his corpse being used to portray a comatose Wolverine.”

@willwritef­ortea tweeted; “Maybe Hugh Jackman could throw in a brief claw-dance at the start of his arena show and then everybody would be happy.” But @partygirlu­2 was freaking out – ina good way: “I’m freaking out. This is a dream come true.” And And @Imkidea added: “Honestly i’ve wanted to see Hugh Jackman for so long.”

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