The Scotsman



A former resident of a children’s home confided to an exemployee he had been raped and sexually abused as a teenager, an inquiry has been told.

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) heard claims the abuse happened to a boy who lived at Barnardo’s Balcary House in Hawick when he worked on a weekend job away from the home.

The inquiry, sitting in Edinburgh, heard that the boy ended up leaving the home in the Scottish Borders after the attacks and had gone on to have a difficult life.

In a written statement read out to the hearing by a lawyer, witness Jasmine Bell – who

0 Lady Smith is chairing the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry which is currently hearing evidence

worked at Balcary between 1963 and 1966 – said it was a “very happy home” and she was not aware of any abuse when she was working there.

However, she said she was contacted later in life by a former resident after meeting him at a reunion.

The inquiry heard that in a

private message online, he revealed when he was about 14 and a resident at Balcary he had a weekend job in the area.

The man he reported to, and some of his friends, “would rape and sexually abuse this boy every weekend”, the witness said in her statement.

“I don’t know where this

happened but it wasn’t in the home,” the statement continued.

The inquiry heard how the boy withdrew from the work but he was “unable to tell anybody why he left”.

She recalled an occasion on which the man, who cannot be named, went to the home and

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