The Scotsman



Sara Gibb

I won’t employ people who insist on backing up traffic by riding their bikes on busy highways meant for cars.

Melanie Reid

Highways are meant for all modes of traffic. I can ride a horse to work if I so choose.

Jacqui Jackson

This is why I don’t get the train to work. Over-priced, unreliable and worse than cattle wagons. If you can park at the train station then by the time you have hung around waiting for your train, that was delayed and James Bond has been singled out for criticism by new research which highlights the spy’s refusal to use contracept­ion.

Bond films of the past reflected the times and are notoriousl­y sexist but luckily I can tell the difference between fiction and reality and I always thought they weren’t meant to be taken seriously anyway.

Marina Thomason

Next they’ll be telling us that Zebedee’s spring would have gone rusty if it had rained.

Alastair Browne

Anyone with that range of vertical movement would have to wear full personal protective equipment and perform a risk assessment prior to every excursion.

Ian R Mcsherry

Thank goodness somebody has finally checked this fictional character’s procliviti­es. It could have ended with Moneypenny on penicillin, Snow White up the duff and lurid portrayals of M succumbing to syphilis.

Wm Duncan

Come on . . . you think Q didn’t whip him up a special apparatus to protect him?

David Dixon

The Bond character in the early movies was a sexual predator. The women were all portrayed as airhead bimbos, pawns or evil schemers.

Joy Sargent-smith

Bullets and bad guys couldn’t kill him, but a quick dose of the clap won.

Paul Carter No evidence of him brushing his teeth either so did he have tooth decay?

Ralph Macgillivr­ay

I’ve just completed a threemonth study into Eastenders and the BBC are seriously taking advantage of Kat Slater’s blouses.

Andrew J Swanson

Wow . . .and I thought the Bond thing was just based on fantasy from Fleming’s imaginatio­n. I didn’t realise it was real. You live and learn.

Philip Rainford

It’s about influence/example/ what is perceived as normal and admirable – ideologies perpetuate­d by texts. James Bond’s image is used all the time in advertisin­g etc to represent everything cool/ suave/aspiration­al. Surely it is therefore worth examining the potential other side of the matter. Most Bond traits are not really positive ones: materialis­m, narcissism, lack of empathy, ruthlessne­ss, individual­ism, misogyny.

Kirsty MCG

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