The Scotsman

Spain prepares for snap election after budget fails to win support

● Catalan separatist­s reject government’s 2019 proposal


Catalan separatist­s and rightwing politician­s in the Spanish parliament’s lower house rejected the ruling Socialist government’s 2019 budget plan, likely paving the way for prime minister Pedro Sanchez to call an early election.

The 191-158 vote, with one abstention, opened a new crisis in Spanish politics. Members of Mr Sanchez’s cabinet had signaled that a defeat in the budget vote would lead to a fresh general election.

The only other time a Spanish government lost a budget vote, in 1995, the Socialists were forced to dissolve the parliament and call an election.

The prime minister’s office said Mr Sanchez plans to announce his decision after the weekly cabinet meeting Friday. Opposition leader Pablo Casado, head of the conservati­ve People’s Party, said yesterday’s vote was “a de facto confidence vote against Pedro Sanchez”.

Catalan deputies from proindepen­dence parties had demanded to open talks on the north-eastern region’s selfdeterm­ination in exchange for supporting Mr Sanchez’s spending proposal, but the centre-left minority government rejected the demand.

The Socialist party holds only 84 seats in the 350-seat lower house. Its votes and those of the anti-austerity Podemos party weren’t enough to counter a majority of center-right, conservati­ve and smaller parties voting in favor of six blanket objections.

Mr Sanchez became prime minister in June when the Catalans joined the anti-austerity Podemos and other smaller parties in backing a no-confidence vote against his conservati­ve predecesso­r, Mariano Rajoy.

Without parliament­ary support, Mr Sanchez’s government can’t pass significan­t legislatio­n and would need

to prolong Mr Rajoy’s 2018 spending plan. That leaves the centre-left administra­tion without funds for social policies that are key to retaining Podemos’ support.

Mr Sanchez rushed out of the lower house’s chamber shortly after the vote, dodging questions by reporters.

His finance minister, Maria Jesus Montero, said it made sense for Mr Sanchez’s term in office, which normally would end next year, to be shortened with the budget rejection – but that it was up to the prime

minister himself to decide if and when to call an election early.

“We want elections now,” Albert Rivera, leader of the centre-right Citizens party, said after the vote.

Talks between Mr Sanchez’s government­andanewsep­aratist coalition that took power in Catalonia after 2017’s failed independen­ce push broke down last week when the government refused to accept selfdeterm­ination talks.

“Sooner or later we will have to negotiate a solution, a democratic solution,” said Joan Tarda, a prominent Catalan pro-independen­ce politician.

The People’s Party and Citizens party, along with members of the emerging far-right party Vox, have urged Mr Sanchez to step down for relying on support from separatist Catalan lawmakers to remain in government.

The trial of a dozen politician­s and activists who drove a breakaway attempt in Catalonia in the fall of 2017 opened on Tuesday. Their prosecutio­n has angered many supporters of the region’s independen­ce from Spain.

On the second day of the politicall­y charged trial, a Supreme Court prosecutor criticised what he said were defence lawyers’ attempts to turn the proceeding­s into an examinatio­n of the Spanish state and judiciary.

Prosecutor Javier Zaragoza called the arguments made a day earlier “ridiculous” and “unjustifie­d”. Defence lawyers said on Tuesday the case was politicall­y motivated and an attempt to eliminate dissent in Catalonia.

 ?? PICTURE: AP ?? 0 Prime minister Pedro Sanchez at the Spanish parliament in Madrid yesterday. He plans to announce his decision on an election tomorrow
PICTURE: AP 0 Prime minister Pedro Sanchez at the Spanish parliament in Madrid yesterday. He plans to announce his decision on an election tomorrow
 ??  ?? 0 Pedro Sanchez and his deputy Carmen Calvo attend a debate
0 Pedro Sanchez and his deputy Carmen Calvo attend a debate

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