The Scotsman




Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson is “likely” to be Scotland’s next First Minister, her deputy Jackson Carlaw claimed yesterday.

@paulhutche­on said: “File this under: he would say that, wouldn’t he?”

@DMDPO joked; “More importantl­y, what does Jackson Carlaw think about the vegan sausage roll?”

@Petewishar­t claimed: “Scotland is just not the sort of country that would let a party who exist to support the wealthiest in our society form a Government. Particular­ly when it is pursuing a Brexit that is against our national will and would make us economical­ly poorer.”


Theresa May reportedly told her most senior ministers yesterday that she will not throw away a jar of jam if it has gone mouldy on top. Instead, the Prime Minister said she scrapes off the mould and eats the good preserve left underneath. @Guardianhe­ather quipped: “Theresa May scrapes the mould off jam and Jeremy Corbyn eats own-brand baked beans straight from the tin – it seems we are blessed with leaders peculiarly wellequipp­ed for no-deal Brexit food shortages” @thistlejoh­n offered: “#jamgate is really about Theresa May not doing her Brexit homework. If you sterilise your jars with boiling water, put a wax seal on fresh jam and then keep open jars in the fridge, there won’t be any unpleasant last-minute scraping in Brussels. Or something”

@tompeck commented; “Good for Theresa May. Though what she really wants to do is pierce a tiny hole in the top with a tack, loosely cover that hole with duct tape, then get a vacuum sealer and plastic hose to suck the air out and thus return it to shop-bought state.”


Philippine­s President Rodrigo Duterte is advocating to change the nation’s name one day to “Maharlika” to move away from the country’s colonial links. “Maharlika” means “nobility” in local language. @iampinglac­son claimed: “Philippine­s keeps reminding us of King Philip II of Spain and our 300-year colony status. Take out the politics attached to it, Maharlika sounds like truly ours”

@Maamsyj said: “It will not help us in our present problems”

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