The Scotsman

‘You were wonderful’: Files reveal Thatcher’s tie to romance author

Former prime minister’s fondness for alternativ­e cure revealed in letters


Margaret thatcher was apparently fond of alternativ­e health cures and was sent them by prolific romance author Dame Barbara Cartland, newly released documents show.

Baroness Thatcher, who famously slept for only four hours a night, received “nutrimenta­l capsules” from the novelist “in case you ever feel tired”.

On a separate occasion Mrs Thatcher was sent a further supplement, possibly to address jetlag or travel sickness ahead of a trip to the Far East. Dame Barbara, who correspond­ed with Mrs Thatcher fairly regularly and lunched with her, sent a package dated 8 June 1989.

“My dear Prime Minister,” she wrote. “You were wonderful last night, as usual.

“It is incredible, with all you do, how you can still look as though you were 25.

“In case you ever feel tired, I am enclosing the very latest product we have in the Health Movement, which takes oxygen to every part of the body, including the brain.

“My son, aged 51, says that he wakes up in the morning and feels like a boy of 16, and at nearly 88 I find it fantastic.”

In a letter dated 15 June 1989, Mrs Thatcher thanked Dame Barbara for the “charming letter” and the “nutrimenta­l capsules”. Dame Barbara wrote to Mrs Thatcher’s diary secretary Amanda Ponsonby on 3 July 1989 with further supplement­s ahead of Mrs Thatcher’s planned trip to the Far East. “Thank you so much for being most kind and saying that you will give the enclosed to the Prime Minister,” wrote Dame Barbara.

“I hope that there are enough because it is a very long trip.

“I did it myself and it does feel ghastly when you get home.

“Do impress on her that as far as I know there are no sideeffect­s at all and they are not soporific, so that you feel you must go to sleep.

“It just stops that awful feeling in the head and ears.”

Millionair­e industrial­ist Sir Emmanuel Kaye, once a strong supporter of the Con- servative Party, wrote to Mrs Thatcher after seeing her at the opera at Glyndebour­ne offering advice about her supplement­s.

He said he could “sort out vitamins, minerals etc and, if you like … check whether the Vitamin C and the Royal Jelly you are having are of the best variety for you and work out the optimum dosage”.

The Margaret Thatcher Foundation is gradually overseeing the release of her private files.

 ??  ?? In a letter dated 15 June 1989, Baroness Thatcher thanked Dame Barbara for the ‘charming letter’ and the ‘nutrimenta­l capsules’
In a letter dated 15 June 1989, Baroness Thatcher thanked Dame Barbara for the ‘charming letter’ and the ‘nutrimenta­l capsules’

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