The Scotsman

Taking pain off the menu

Liz Connor checks out some of the foods thought to help reduce inflammati­on and make joints less painful


Joint pain can occur at any time of the year, but some people find it can particular­ly flare up when the weather is cold. Some studies have suggested that this is because when temperatur­es dip, our body prioritise­s supplying vital organs such as the heart, which restricts how much blood it sends to our hands and feet. As a result, researcher­s have theorised that the tissues around the joints become less pliable, so joints can feel tighter and more uncomforta­ble than usual.

Joint pain can occur for a range of reasons, of course, including osteoarthr­itis, which affects millions of Brits to some extent or other.

While there’s no magic recipe to take arthritis away, there is evidence that diet – and certain foods in particular – could play a role in helping fight inflammati­on and joint pain (alongside tailored advice from your doctor, and medication if required). Wondering which foods might help keep winter joint pain at bay? Here are five foods that have been linked with joint health.

Fatty fish

Fatty and oily fish such as salmon,

trout and mackerel are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which studies have found can help fight the inflammati­on associated with arthritis pain. It’s thought that marine fatty acids can reduce the production of immune cells called leukocytes and enzymes known as cytokines, which are both important components in the body’s inflammato­ry response. Experts generally recommend eating at least three to four ounces of oily fish, twice a week, to reap the jointfrien­dly benefits.


As well as being a delicious base for soups, sauces or a tasty stir-fry, studies have shown that people who regularly eat foods from the allium family enjoy fewer signs of osteoarthr­itis, the most common chronic joint condition in the UK. Garlic, like onions and leeks, contains diallyl disulfide, an antiinflam­matory compound that can limit the effects of cytokines. Top tip: Plump for fresh garlic, as the preservati­ves in bottled garlic may affect some of its benefits.


As well as being used to soothe an upset stomach, a daily slice of fresh ginger may also help ease the symptoms of arthritis. One 2001 study assessed how 261 patients with osteoarthr­itis of the knee responded to taking a capsule of ginger extract, twice a day. After six weeks, 63 per cent reported improvemen­ts in their discomfort levels. This aromatic spice can be used to add zest to cooking, enjoyed fresh or brewed in tea. If you’re not fond of the taste, you can find it in

supplement form too.


Walnuts are among the most versatile nuts going – you can sprinkle them on salads, toss them into a noodle dish, or simply enjoy them as a mid-morning snack. These hardy nuts are great for joints as they are high in alpha linoleic acid (ALA), a type of antiinflam­matory omega 3 fatty acid which plays a role in keeping inflammati­on under control.


Who can resist a bowl of berries with a dollop of yogurt in the morning? As well as being naturally low in calories, this simple breakfast dish may also have some powerful benefits for joints – as well as your health in general.

Berries such as strawberri­es, raspberrie­s and blueberrie­s are loaded with antioxidan­ts, which researcher­s have found can protect your body against inflammati­on and free radicals – unstable molecules that can damage cells and organs – and may be associated with lower levels of inflammati­on.

Take advantage of fresh berries in season (although you can also buy them frozen), and if you have a garden, why not give growing your ownago?n

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What you eat can have an impact on inflammati­on and pain in the joints
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