The Scotsman

20mph plea


The First Minister has been urged by the Greens to support a 20mph speed limit in all residentia­l areas across Scotland.

The Greens! How can a tiny minority of utter nitwits have so much influence over us? Something is seriously wrong with an electoral system that allows this to happen.

Auld Reekie Who are these people who habitually exceed the speed limit? Everyone I’ve ever spoken to is a good driver; never had an accident; always careful or any combinatio­n of the above!

Papillon18­73 The Greens obviously don’t drive cars. My observatio­n is that existing 20mph limits are mostly ignored. People drive at the speed they feel comfortabl­e with and as reported this week Police Scotland will not see this as a priority and speed cameras

are not calibrated to monitor 20mph limit violations.


A 50mph max as well throughout Scotland would save lives, save fuel, save roads and save the environmen­t. But are the SNP interested? I doubt it especially if some else comes up with the suggestion.

kraken So, a four-day week, 20mph everywhere. Welcome to Scotland, the only country in the world coming to a halt in the 18th century!

kmcn Actually a 20mph target would be aspiration­al on the M8 during rush-hour. I’m forever driving against the flow at 70mph, feeling awful for the suckers parked in a 20-mile queue every sorry day of their lives. If there is one winning reason to live in Edinburgh, it is never having to drive there at rush-hour.

Portrait These clowns would have us all travelling in a horse

and cart if they got their way. Welcome to the Flat Earth Society. Get them out of that shortbread senate before they come up with some other idiotic system.

Scotbob Every time the lights go out at Newbridge the huge queues are vastly reduced and cars are able to navigate the lanes fine. When the lights and their sequencing were replaced a few years back the tailbacks were far larger than before.

Another Voice The limits are generally ignored, people speed when they feel they are not being watched.

Itzi Bitzi There needs to be an exemption for all bus routes, some of which go through “residentia­l areas”.

Stood Against Him

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