The Scotsman

Cable says Lib Dems can save PM’S deal as he announces he’s quitting


Sir Vince Cable has offered to rescue Theresa May’s Brexit deal if she accepts to put it to a referendum as a “last resort”.

It came as the Liberal Democrat leader announced he would stand down after local elections in England, triggering a vote to choose his successor in May. It opens a path for East Dunbartons­hire MP Jo Swinson, the party’s deputy leader and the favourite to follow Mr Cable.

The Lib Dem leader said he believed senior government figures, including the Prime Minister, would be willing to consider a so-called People’s Vote if the Brexit deal is defeated for a third time next week.

“We think it’s a thoroughly bad deal, but nonetheles­s if the Prime Minister is willing 0 Vince Cable offers Prime Minister a last chance

to come forward and say ‘here’s the deal, I’m willing to put it to the public in a public vote’, then we would support it on that basis,” Mr Cable said.

Senior Lib Dems met Michael Gove and Mrs May’s deputy David Lidington in January for talks and had their demands for a second EU referendum rejected.

“We had a slightly bizarre experience a few weeks ago where I and some of my colleagues went in to see Theresa May and her ministers,” Mr Cable said. “We got the familiar robotic, negative response, but then they wanted to spend a long time going over the practicali­ties with us – the timing, how you would do it, and all the rest of it.

“It is very clear that there are people in government, maybe even the Prime Minister, though I’m not sure, who do see this as a last resort and might be willing to do it. They’re not at that point yet, but it could happen.”

Mr Cable added that Chancellor Philip Hammond, who called for cross-party compromise this week, “is potentiall­y an ally in getting to where we want to get with a People’s Vote”.

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