The Scotsman

Full speed ahead


Edinburgh councillor­s have voted to proceed with the controvers­ial tram extension to Leith.

Two things damaged this city. Luftwaffe bombarding Leith docks and now the council with their trams. It could be a nice city but it is a building site instead with chaos on the roads.

Mike Komandos

The councillor­s are supposed to represent the people who elected them and any survey would show that probably 80 per cent of residents don’t want the tram extension. Many other things to spend that kind of money on.

Lewis Kennedy

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” said Albert Einstein. But our councillor­s know better!

Tam Driver Can they not see the congestion it’s created already? If adding something, they need to take something else away, maybe cars.

Naomi Mackay Can the council take a chunk of that £207m and build a 10k indoor arena that matches the SSE Hydro in Glasgow? The amount of revenue that’ll bring to the city through concerts, musicals and other entertainm­ent could be very valuable. Never understood why we haven’t built one when every other major city in the UK has

Dean Thomson Money could be better spent on the homeless crisis, but they can throw cash at trams?

Lynsey Davies We never needed the tram and still don’t. Imagine the whole of Leith Walk being dug up for the next few years. First it was a botched job on Princes Street, then it was the St James Centre. Now I hear it is Lothian Road being dug up and you want to add the tram to the list. I have taken my shopping elsewhere since the beginning of the tram to places that cater for shoppers.

John Sowery

What is quite clear about this whole debate, is that no matter whether you are for or against, the way both Labour and SNP have gone about it is undemocrat­ic. To go ahead without a referendum on a project this size and this expensive is an utter disgrace

David Black

Front line third sector services being decimated in the North West of Edinburgh and now this ..... what is the world coming to?

Moira Fenning

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