The Scotsman

Feline lucky


Drivers who run over a cat with their car will have to report the incident to police under a new law being proposed at Wesminster.

Can we have a law that requires cat owners to control their cats then? Kind of like how a dog, a horse and a cow are controlled and generally not in a position to just wander around in the middle of the road?

Stuart Aitken I’m consistent­ly impressed by people’s ability to miss the point and take things personally. If the law for running over a cat is going to be the same as that for a dog or horse, it makes good sense that other laws pertaining to them should be the same. The penalty for cats fouling public places ought to be the same. I also think the penalty for horses fouling should be the same as for dogs. I don’t get these people that say “but it’s only grass”. Yes, that’s been through a horse. Would you let a vegan poo in your fruit bowl? And no, I’ve never owned a vegan . . .

Neil Goodacre

There should be no cats out roaming at all anywhere. How irresponsi­ble. If you can’t keep your pets off roads you don’t deserve one.

Paul W Haggarty

My driving instructor once told me: “If you are driving when you see a cat the safe course of action is to run over the cat.” It’s really not as easy as it sounds – yesterday I had to chase one almost three miles before I eventually managed to flatten it.

Jim Egan Their owners take no responsibi­lity for cats when allowed to roam free. Almost none wear bells to reduce their killing of birds etc. Dogs are not allowed to wander freely all day long. I don’t want other people’s cats in my garden as if it’s their own territory. I would always be sad if I knocked down any animal but I will never report knocking down a cat unless cat owners take full responsibi­lity for their little killing machines.

John Menzies

Every accident involving vehicles and animals should be reported on. I’m not a cat person but have seen the heartbreak family and friends go through when their cats don’t come home. They have a right to roam so this should be allowed.

Pat Lawrence

About time. It was terrible having to ask the dustmen if they had picked up a dead cat when I lost mine.

Angela Henderson

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