The Scotsman



1. Which heavenly beings get their name from the Greek for messengers? 2. In Scottish law, which verdict other than not guilty can accompany an acquittal? 3. What name is given to creatures such as crabs, shrimps and woodlice? 4. Which animal has Persian, Siamese and Abyssinian breeds? 5. Of which country did Fidel Castro become prime minister in 1959? 6. Of which former Soviet republic is Riga the capital? 7. What name is given to the belief that violence, including war, is unjustifia­ble under any circumstan­ces? 8. Which West Sussex resort owes its royal title to a convalesce­nt visit by King George V? 9. Which bird has carrion and hooded varieties? 10. In Greek mythology, who was the ferryman who carried the souls of the dead over the River Styx?

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