The Scotsman




1 Cast out, we’re told, from the seat of office (6)

4 Matches up to some union ceremonies (8) 9 In the upheaval, the first controvers­y was race-related (6)

10 Granted what was made available was within budget (8)

12 Lack energy to formulate a large container (5)

13 Come to terms with workers, at last, in harmony (9)

14 Gave back part needed to lure one into a net (7)

15 Transmit from first to last, then closes down (4)

19 Applaud a first circuit, followed by another (4)

21 The be-all and end-all of a German city church (7)

24 Did an officer take new bus later on tour? (9)

26 It’s quite obvious some took cover too soon (5)

27 Showed a lack of care by taking no notice (8)

28 Secure safeguard to find shelter (6) 29 Rest read about tyres being recycled (8)

30 Was out of it, having dropped off (6)


1 Use large serving platters, right away, in long narrow ditches (8)

2 Tries once again, at the end, to practise one’s role (8)

3 Ivory tower, say, is the embodiment of the Civil Service (9)

5 Had to confer, with energy, about to impose order (7)

6 Controlled a car being used to take a herd of cows to the market (5)

7 Prodded one to attract another’s attention. I’m touched (6)

8 In the Home Counties, one’s rendezvous was quite composed (6) 11 Manage to lead down into the valley (4) 16 Finds girls taking up their positions on the field (9)

17 Come before others in rank, getting yield from a poker stake, at first (8)

18 Put head out, at the end. He was getting warmer (6,2)

20 Very happy that a priest rented a place (7) 21 Poker stake returned in place of a fiery mount (4)

22 She had a key part in the oldest, heroic epic (6)

23 Sailor shipped off somewhere was not there any more (6)

25 Left a long line, at the end, in a French city (5)

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