The Scotsman



ACROSS 7 Supreme (3,10) 9 A shoemaker (7) 10 The Roman god of love (5) 11 A large flightless bird (4) 12 Transitory (5) 16 Prudent (5) 17 A long detailed story (coll) (4) 21 Peers (5) 22 An edible shellfish (7) 23 Say farewell (to) (4,4,5)

DOWN 1 An apparition (7) 2 Dilemma (7) 3 Acclaim (5) 4 A poster (7) 5 Wading bird (5) 6 Droves (5) 8 Pottery (11) 13 Strong emotion (7) 14 A Russian urn (7) 15 Vacillated (7) 18 Criticise harshly (5) 19 Hard up (5) 20 Recover (5)

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