The Scotsman

Your life in the stars



21 Mar - 20 Apr Look to dreams for ideas. This is the right time to be inspired by the world around you. Use that energy to cajole others to support you.


21Apr-20may With some emotions running high this week, you need to keep a rein on any outbursts. Pushing your demands may not be the best tactic.


21May-20jun There could be bit of disappoint­ment this week, when someone does not make you feel appreciate­d.


21Jun-22jul Seeing someone needing help, it is very tempting to just rush in. Taking a more roundabout approach, however, can save their pride.


23 Jul - 22 Aug The business of everyday can sometimes make us forget the small things that matter, like thanking someone for their help or advice.


23 Aug - 21 Sep So, are you worried about a conversati­on you have to have this week? Gather up all your confidence and charm!


22Sep-22oct When going into something new, you find that you know far more than you thought. Your instincts are spot on!


23 Oct - 21 Nov This week is full of goods and bads, ups and downs. Sometimes you are puzzled about what is actually going on.


22Nov-21dec Feel as though something is changing? Is it inside of you or outside? Don’t worry. That will solve nothing.


22Dec-20jan Optimism is well rewarded at the moment. Thinking of the best outcome in whatever you do could make it so.


21 Jan - 18 Feb Look now at what is possible, rather than what is not. We tend to drift into situations when we are not paying proper attention.


19Feb-20mar Keep life simple. Go for opportunit­ies without getting too involved. Getting a balance at home and work is easier if you are honest. n

Cassandra Nye

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