The Scotsman

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I would not have believed it possible to be furious when looking at the subject choices offered to my grandson as he prepares to enter S3 at Ardnamurch­an High School this summer, but furious I was.

The Language choices on offer are limited to French and Gaelic. Whichever he chooses to major in, he will minor in the other. he was compelled to do Gaelic in S1 and S2 and we thought he would be able to drop it for S3, but not so. He would much rather study a language which might be more use to him in a modern Scotland but must do Gaelic.

But that’s not the only example of parochiali­sm; he can choose to major in History or Geography but cannot minor in the other option. The minor option will be Scottish Studies (maybe that should be called Political Indoctrina­tion).

It seems obvious Highland Council and the Scottish Government are intent, just like many Nationalis­t administra­tions before them, on the indoctrina­tion of children in pursuit of their ideologica­l agenda.

I cannot believe my grandson’s future is likely to be better served by the compulsory teaching of Gaelic and Scottish Studies in preference to Geography and any other less parochial subject of his choice.

ALAN THOMSON Kilcamb Paddock

Strontian, Argyll

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