The Scotsman


- By Derek Allen


1 Describe small department pronounced­ly icy inside ( 6) 4 Followed and watched closely _ had scattered seed outside ( 8) 9 Paltry vessels ( 6) 10 Encourage scheme with square vegetable ( 8)

12 Lots of lorries and trucks ( 5,7) 15 Put right having put other clothes on ( 9)

17 Maurice having a heart of gold ( 5) 18 Major person ( 5)

19 Wrong lady found it was a deceptive sign at start of day ( 5,4) 20 Not the thing to do at start of match? Dispute decision ( 5,3,4) 24 Order duck for soldier ( 8) 25 Racing greyhound’s a small pet ( 6)

26 Usual share ( 8)

27 The Spanish always right about it being part of upper atmosphere ( 1- 5)


1 Everyone pays for themselves in this excursion in The Netherland­s ( 5,5)

2 Lady shortly found between Peter and percussion instrument is pompous self- important official ( 10)

3 Councillor had nothing on city companion ( 5)

5 Lofty’s faithfulne­ss in good reproducti­on of sound ( 4- 8) 6 This bridge is not unique ( 9)

7 I beg your pardon, which one? ( 4) 8 Info turned up at short notice ( 4) 11 Moneymakin­g metalworke­r ( 12) 13 Lady in 19 across forbade Kay’s misreprese­ntation ( 5,2,3)

14 Do leave discouragi­ng sort of cake covering ( 5,5)

16 Do others a good turn perhaps ( 9)

21 Modern message travelling a mile ( 5)

22 Sound return from Ecuador house ( 4)

23 In the middle of dream I dozed somewhat ( 4)

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