The Scotsman

Farage offers Corbyn debate on Brexit


N i g e l F a r a g e h a s c h a l - lenged Jeremy Corbyn to a debate ahead of the European Parliament elections, warning a deal b et ween Labour and the Conser vatives would be “the final betrayal”.

Speaking on Sky’s Ridge O n S u n d a y, t h e B r e x i t Par t y leader said: “There are five million voters out there, Labour voters, who voted to leave, particular­ly in the Midlands, the north, and south Wales. I would love between now and polling to have a debate with Jeremy Corbyn about this b ecause p eople are ver y c o n f u s e d a b o u t w h a t Labour are standing for.”

M r F a r a g e a d d e d : “I think if we can dig into the Labour vote, we can surprise even ourselves.”

Mr Farage said he had given 26 years of his life to Ukip, but the party is now “past its sell-by date”. He said: “It’s done, it’s gone.”

A s k e d w h e t h e r U k i p is a racist par t y, or at risk of becoming one, Mr Farage said: “I think that it has attracted individual­s that I would never have allowed.”

Mr Farage refused to identify a major donor, saying it would lead to a “hounding” by the press, but claimed nearly £2 million had been raised from membership dues.

He said: “We just yesterday hit 85,000 registered supporters, all paying £25. Work it out. We have raised getting on for £2m through individual people joining through our website. I can’t think that any other party in the UK has raised money like that.”

 ??  ?? 0 Nigel Farage said five million Labour voters backed Brexit
0 Nigel Farage said five million Labour voters backed Brexit

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