The Scotsman

Climate change


I find Prof Jack W Ponton’s letter of 10 May singularly depressing. He seems to imply that because Europe/the United Kingdom/scotland contribute­s relatively little in global terms to climate change we should continue on our merry way, enjoying the fruits of humanity’s plundering of the Earth’s natural resources, polluting the seas and devastatin­g the ecosystems on which all life depends.

However, I cannot believe that he can possibly be indifferen­t to the consequenc­es of climate change being experience­d by already seriously disadvanta­ged population­s in other parts of the world.

Small though our contributi­on, in environmen­tal terms, may be to that suffering, surely he should not be arguing that we refuse to accept responsibi­lity for even that share.

We must believe that by way of example and by participat­ing in the search for economic, political, technical and, dare I say moral, solutions, we as individual­s and as small nations can have a part to play in minimising the already present suffering and that yet to come.

History has shown that even those with little influence and wealth can make, against the odds, big difference­s in overcoming, one by one, the challenges that get in the way of our becoming a less self-centred, ruthlessly materialis­tic species.

Even Scotland as part of an enlightene­d Europe and

possibly an enlightene­d UK can have a role to play. I shall undoubtedl­y be scorned by the usual suspects for displaying an unrealisti­c degree of idealism. So be it.

JOHN MILNE Ardgowan Drive, Uddingston

Professor P on ton’ s letter struck the nail very accurately on the head!

The temperatur­e rise of 0.0007420 C, from which Scotland can rescue the world by total de carbonisat­ion, may just be measurable as 0.00070 C, with the very careful use of platinum resistance thermomete­rs!

A point usually missed or suppressed concerning carbon dioxide is that additions of the gas to our atmosphere are decreasing­ly effective in raising the temperatur­e, rather like painting a black wall with white paint. The first coat covers a lot, the second covers some of the rest. The next coats of paint only cover what traces of black are left.

It is the way nature arranges things. But politician­s are very poor scientists as a rule and believe the stories of catastroph­ic climate changes so strongly promoted by those businesses profit from “renewable energy ”. It’s the way the world is.


Newbury, Berkshire

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