The Scotsman

‘Puffarazzi’ wanted to snap birds with young


People are being asked to join the “puffarazzi” and photograph puffins with fish in their bills to help find out what the seabirds are feeding their young.

The citizen science scheme was first run by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in 2017, with 602 people sending in 1,402 photos of the seabirds from almost 40 colo - nies. The pictures have helped scientists identify areas where puff ins are struggling to find the large nutritious fish, which they need to feed their chicks, or pufflings, the RSPB said.

The conservati­on charity is renewing its call for visitors to puffin colonies in spring and summer 2019 and 2020 to submit pictures showing what the threatened seabird is catching for its young.

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