The Scotsman

Energy drink version of Irn-bru launches soon


AG Barr has announced it is to launch an energy drink version of Irn-bru this summer.

Irn-bru Energy will be made from a new formula said to combine the Scottish drink’s flavour with taurine, caffeine, B vitamins and the “taste of an energy drink”.

The official launch will see sugar and no sugar variants h i t t h e s h e l ve s f r o m 1 Ju l y across Scotland, Ireland and the north of England.

It is said to contain 32mg of caffeine p er 100ml, roughly the same as a medium latte from a high street coffee chain.

A d r i a n Tr o y, m a r k e t i n g director at AG Barr, said: “We know there are a huge number of Irn-bru fans who love energy drinks, so we’re excited to reveal our plans for Irn-bru Energy.”

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