The Scotsman

Oil and gas ‘threat to climate targets’


Extracting the 5.7 billion barr e l s o f o i l a n d g a s i n f i e l d s already operating would see the UK miss its climate change goals, a new report warns.

Friends of the Earth Scotland said extracting that amount from oil and gas fields would exceed the UK’S share in relation to the internatio­nal Pari s A g r e e m e n t t o l i m i t g l o - bal temperatur­e rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

Industr y and government aim to extract 20 billion barrels, according to the study by Platform, Oil Change Internatio­nal and Friends of the Earth Scotland.

The report said that recent s u b s i d i e s f o r o i l a n d g a s extraction will add t wice as much carbon to the atmosphere as the phase-out of coal power saves. It also found that o p e n i n g n e w f i e l d s wo u l d nearly quadruple the emissions from UK oil and gas.

The repor t calls on the UK and Scottish government­s to stop issuing licences and permits for new oil and gas exploratio­n and developmen­t, and revoke undevelope­d licences.

Mary Church, head of campaigns at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “To tackle the climate emergency head on we must ban oil and gas exploratio­n now, and redirect the vast subsidies propping up fossil fuel extraction towards creating decent jobs in a clean e n e rg y e c o n o my. R e a l c l i - mate leadership means making tough decisions now that put us on a path to a climate safe future.”

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