The Scotsman

Project Farage


In respect of the letter from Mark Boy le, Nigel Far age is undoubtedl­y a brilliant politician, but he also funnels peoples anger in the wrong direction. He uses anger to distract voters from the contradict­ions embedded in his promises. Farage has persuaded those left behind by Globalisat­ion to back a hard Brexit – yet he has not been honest about the consequenc­es.

Globalisat­ion lets Asia produce stuff for Britons to buy cheaply, allowing consumers to benefit from lower prices. The cost is paid by hard working people who have lost their decent manufactur­ing jobs and ended up joining the gig economy. Brexit’s answer to Project Fear is to accelerate this process. Supporters want zero barriers to trade. Farage and his rich buddies get to buy lots more stuff very cheaply. Meanwhile his supporters will see the last UK manufactur­ing jobs vanishing overseas.

A vote for Farage is a vote to wipe out British industry forever. We need to think carefully about the promises of one of Britain’s richest and most ruthless politician­s.

JOHN YOUNG Moray Place, Edinburgh

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