The Scotsman

Cinema-goer killed by electronic footrest


A cinema-goer died after his neck became trapped in an ele ctronic fo otrest as he searched for his keys and phone under his seat, an inquest has heard.

Ateeq Rafiq, 24, was with his wife when he became trapped in the “gold class” cinema seat at Birming - ham’s Star City complex in March last year.

His widow Ayesha Sardar paid tribute to him as a happy, positive and loving father as she told the i n q u e s t h ow s he u n su c - cessfully tried to free him.

She said she then sought h e l p f r o m Vu e C i n e m a staff, who sp ent up to 15 minutes attempting to lift the footrest.

A j u r y i n q u e s t a t B i r - mingham Coroner’s Court was told Mr R afiq, from Aston, suffered a cardiac arrest but was revived by CPR at the scene and taken to Heartlands Hospital.

He later died from swelling to the brain caused by pressure to his neck.

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