The Scotsman

In a spin: Alastair Campbell expelled from party


Alastair Campbell has claimed “senior” figures in Jeremy Corbyn’s office recommende­d voting against Labour, after he was expelled from the party for backing the Liberal Democrats in the European elections. Tony Blair’s former spin do ctor, a leading campaigner for a second EU referendum, said Labour faces “oblivion” unless it clarifies its policy on Brexit. He said yesterday he will appeal against the party’s decision to expel him and added that he will “always be Labour”.

decision and said he planned to appeal.

He claimed that he had voted Lib Dem to try and persuade Labour “to do the right thing”, but “always will be Labour”.

Speaking outside his north London home, he claimed “senior” figures in Jeremy Corbyn’s office recommende­d voting against Labour and said the party faces “oblivion” unless it clarifies its B rex it policy. He also told reporters he will appeal against the decision to expel him.

“I think that there are peo - ple in Jeremy Corbyn’s office, senior positions in Jeremy Corbyn’s office, who have recommende­d voting against the Labour Party ,” he said. “You can interpret the rules in all sorts of different ways, but one thing I know is I’m not going to leave the party just because some random email comes in telling me that I’ve been expelled.

“So I will definitely appeal against it and we will see where that goes.”

He described his rapid expulsion as “strange” and added: “I think people will inevitably draw the contrast with the lack of rapidity in dealing with cases involving anti-semitism.”

Labour has said“support for another political party or candidate is incompatib­le with party membership”.

Labour and the Conservati­ves received ad rubbing in the European elections as Nigel Far age’ s B rex it Party romped to victory and the Lib Dems took the second largest share of the vote.

Mr Campbell said Tony Blair, who was Labour prime minister b et ween 1997 and 2007, refused to withdraw the Labour whip from Mr Corbyn when he rebelled.

“Tony was of the view, no, you’ve got to have dissenting voices around,” he said.

“Jeremy Corbyn himself, for reasons best known to himself, has in the past congratula­ted George Galloway on defeating a Labour candidate.”

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