The Scotsman

Sturgeon vows to push on with indyref2


Ni cola Sturgeon has said Scotland and the rest of the UK are on “very different political paths” as the Scottish Government prepares to set out plans for a fresh independen­ce referendum.

The First Minister rejected claim sofa “deceitful” approach by opponents claiming the SNP campaigned in the European election son rejecting Brexit, then took their sweeping victory as a mandate for independen­ce.

The Scottish Government’s Constituti­onal Relations Secretary Mike Russell is expected to publish a Bill today setting out the rules for a second independen­ce referendum before attempting to secure the power to hold a vote from Westminste­r.

Ms Sturgeon said: “The message from these elections in Scotland is that we reject Brexit. We rejected it in the referendum, we rejected it again in these elections.

“I set out prior to this election campaign my intentions to give people a choice on independen­ce. What the election demonstrat­ed is that Scotland and the rest of the UK are on very different political paths.

“If we don’ t want to have a future imposed on us as a country then we must have the opportunit­y to choose our own future.

“That’s the choice I want to give to the people of Scotland later in this term of Par li ament.”

A referendum will require Section 30 order from the UK prime minister, transferri­ng the power to Holy rood. Mr Russell will also update MSPS on plans for Irish-style citizens’ assemblies in Scotland.

Scottish Conservati­ve constituti­on spokesman Adam Tomkins said Ms Sturgeon used the EU elections to manufactur­e the case for a second in dependence referendum.

“No matter what people in Scotland say or do, the SNP’S answer is always the same – to take us out of the UK,” he said. “This latest stunt is all about Nicola Sturgeon pandering to her party, not speaking for the country.”

 ??  ?? 0 SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon with the party’s three newly elected MEPS, from left, Christian Allard, Aileen Mcleod and Alyn Smith
0 SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon with the party’s three newly elected MEPS, from left, Christian Allard, Aileen Mcleod and Alyn Smith

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