The Scotsman

Milkshake thrower ordered to pay Farage

● Sacked Sky employee faces £350 fine plus costs for his ‘act of crass stupidity’


A man who threw milkshake over Nigel Farage has been ordered to pay the Brexit Party leader compensati­on following the “act of crass stupidity”.

Paul Crowther, whose “politicall­y motivated” act cost him his job and led to threats being made to his family, was told by the district judge that “actions have consequenc­es”.

He said he now regretted throwing a £5.25 Five Guys banana and salted caramel milkshake over the ex-ukip leader in Newcastle city centre, telling police it was a moment of madness.

The married former Sky employee has been dismissed following the incident, North Tyneside Magistrate­s’ Court was told.

He admitted assault and criminal damage to a £239 lapel microphone on Mr Farage’s suit.

District Judge Bernard Begley, who told Crowther it was an “act of crass stupidity motivated by your political views” and “by some desire to gain some attention and notoriety”, ordered him to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.

He said CCTV showed that Crowther found it funny and it happened during a busy lunchtime in full view of the media and public.

He added: “I am told you have lost your job as a result and threats of one form or another have been directed to your family.

“Perhaps you should have thought about that possibilit­y before you acted as you did, if not for yourself then for your family. Actions have consequenc­es.”

After the prosecutio­n suggested Crowther should pay compensati­on to have the suit cleaned, the judge ordered him to pay Mr Farage £350 compensati­on. He must carry out 150 hours unpaid work and pay a further £170 costs.

James Long, prosecutin­g, said: “I suppose for the split second the attack took place, Mr Farage would not know whether it was a harmless liquid or something, in this day and age, far more sinister.”

He said it was clear from a Facebook posting before the incident that Crowther intended to throw milkshake on the politician.

A friend replied saying: “I hope you return to the office sans milkshake.”

It took 20 minutes for a police van to take him away after he was arrested, and Crowther was interviewe­d by journalist­s.

At the time he justified his actions, saying he did not regret it and that “the bile and racism” spouted by Mr Farage was far worse than having milkshake poured on him, the court heard.

He later told police when he was interviewe­d that it was a “moment of madness”, “a loss of control” and he watched himself do it.

Brian Hegarty, defending, said Crowther now regretted his lunchtime actions, saying: “The defendant has had cause to reflect and, having done so, he would say he wished he would not have acted as he did.”

Crowther, who has an interest in politics, believed in democracy and did not want to be seen to be trying to silence people with whom he disagreed, the court was told.

 ??  ?? 0 Attack led to threats against Paul Crowther and his family
0 Attack led to threats against Paul Crowther and his family

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