The Scotsman




Ronald Gordon has been named the new owner of Hibernian FC, taking the reins from Sir Tom Farmer and Rod Petrie.

@shamrockbh­oy7 said: “I think this is not only great for Hibs. It’s also good news for Scottish fitbaw. Better teams can only make it a more competitiv­e league. I for one welcome it. It’s refreshing news for our game.”

@Benicegjb7 posted: “We will always be indebted to Sir Tom Farmer for saving our club, I wish to thank him, and all who put their money, time, and energy into making the club what is is now.”

@Yogi_campfire commented: “Excited to see what this will bring and great to see this has the blessing of the board. Huge heartfelt thanks to Sir Tom Farmer and Rod Petrie though – they have made the club what it is today and they are great servants to the community. Let;s hope for some more #exuberance soon.”

@droopersco­t warned: “It seems safe to assume that the Hibees reckon this is a good thing? Good luck with it, but always be wary of (relative) strangers bearing ‘gifts’.”

@GISALEGEND said: “Definitely going to be interestin­g to see how this goes under new ownership. We as fans should be wary first as we’re not sure what to expect, but at the same time there’s an element of excitement too to see what the new ownership brings.” @Thefalcon0­8 added: “Not sure Messi would fit in the team the now. Maybe next season.”


Brexit Party MEPS turned their backs whilst the European anthem was played at the opening session of the EU parliament.

@Thelostyfa­mily said: “This only confirms what most people know – they are morons. Explain how a party who is against Europe can one, get elected and two, actually want to serve in the parliament.”

@Leathlobha­iro commented: “Speaks volumes. They are entitled to ‘protest’ this way if they like but what exactly are they protesting?”

@jacharris0­05 posted: “Why should they stand and respect any anthem other than that of their own country? And the EU isn’t a country, why has it even got an anthem?”

@marcio_delgado added: “Adults behaving like spoiled children.”

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