The Scotsman




Sir Kim Darroch has resigned as the UK’S ambassador to the US amid the row over leaked Donald Trump. It has been reported he decided to quit after Boris Johnson refused to guarantee he would remain in position if he became Prime Minister.

@Carlolinel­ucas said: “Really ominous that Sir Kim Darroch has been forced to resign by a malicious leak, Trump’s thin-skinned tantrum and Boris Johnson’s self-interested failure to stand up for our own side. This has created a dangerous precedent for the UK.”

@timfarron posted: “Kim Darroch’s resignatio­n comes after Boris Johnson chose loyalty to Trump over loyalty to Britain. Utterly shameful.”

@michaelcor­en commented: “Honest and perceptive man resigns after not being defended by class clown following attack by school bully!”

@Guidinogui­done said: “What does Kim Darroch’s resignatio­n tell us? It tells us that people voted Brexit thinking they would return Blighty back to the glory days of empire and instead they got a banana republic led my an unscrupulo­us buffoon.”

@Francesthe­foot posted: “Our last vertebrae popped out. No spine left to oppose the orange tyrant.” @Dpjhodges added: “Whatever your view of Brexit, is this what ‘sovereignt­y’ is going to look like? Is it what ‘taking back control’ will look like?”


Former Prime Minister Sir John Major said he would seek a judicial review if Boris Johnson, the likely next prime minister, tries to prorogue parliament to force through a no-deal Brexit.

@robot_coconut said: “It is the responsibl­e position. If only more politician­s were of his calibre.”

@retroguyga­ming posted: “It’s hopeless. Major would talk for 30 seconds and everyone in court would be fast asleep.”

@shedgalore commented: “Strange. As PM he was about as active as a brick. Did nothing but help Europe become a federal state.”

@Ernest1822­2984 said: “Suspending parliament=suspending parliament­ary democracy =suspending those that represent the people= Suspending democracy itself. Now we see the fascists coming out of the woodwork.”

@bob1211211 added: “Nice peas Norma.”

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