The Scotsman

Court in the act


A Wimbledon fan has described how she was told by the Duchess of Sussex’s protection officer not to take photos of Meghan because she was at the tournament in a “private capacity”. Sally Jones said she was actually taking pictures of Serena Williams and had not even noticed the duchess.

I cannot believe that in this day and age folk still tolerate the coddling and support of the useless, known as “royalty”.

Sue Plesnarski They are the best ambassador­s in the world. The Crown Estate brings in money, and as the head of state the Queen stops politician­s being foolhardy as they need her permission for a majority of things but yes, useless . . .

Jai Mackenzie An elected head of state would work for me. That way we wouldn’t have to have a Tory forever. The Queen seems to have given her permission for an awful lot of foolhardy things. In practice, she doesn’t have very much real power. And we have to support her huge extended non-elected family. There are other (cheaper) options for ambassador­s, and if the Crown Estate’s income is so high, why do we have to contribute to the royal family with our taxes?

Luna Mark Sarah

Meghan is aware that Suits is being shown all over again on telly, isn’t she? I know she was there as a private individual but when in public spaces she should expect some interest and the odd photo.

Grace Davidson

For someone who chased fame and fortune, it’s quite odd that once she got the fortune she has suddenly started shying away from getting her picture taken.

Anne Maria Rennie

I reckon she might be the downfall of the royal family

. . . fingers crossed. As a taxpayer, I’d prefer my share of the £3m that’s been spent on their house refurbishm­ent went to social housing or homeless hostels. The same goes for my share of the entire royal family’s upkeep. There are better things to spend taxpayers’ cash on. They’re all wealthy enough to support themselves.

Lynn Scott I find a paper bag with holes works well. Doesn’t draw too much attention – particular­ly in heels.

Owen Macdonald Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I think it’s rude to take photos of anyone without asking first, especially if they are just out and about trying to enjoy their day. It’s common decency. Yes, they knew becoming famous they would be hounded by paps and “fans” with cameras in their face all the time but it must be so annoying and tiresome. They are only human.

Nikki Kenickie She knew what marrying into the royal family entails but thinks she can change the rules to suit herself. She chose to be in public at Wimbledon and people are perfectly entitled to take a photo.

Utter rubbish! Who comes up with this scaremonge­ring nonsense? I very much doubt everybody’s massive warehouses are amazingly going to be empty come 1 November. I can come up with a few belters of my own: we won’t be allowed to grow grass because we won’t have the proper permits;

Project fear.

Graham Renstead Just cancel Brexit. Problem solved.

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