The Scotsman



ACROSS 8 Absolute nonsense (5-3)

9 Lake __ , a village in New York State, which hosted the Winter Olympics in 1932 and 1980 (6)

10 The Mafia’s code of honour (6)

11 An evergreen shrub, the rose-bay or roselaurel (8)

12 Soon, or at another time (4)

13 The state of being liable to happen soon


15 A black or dark-brown hard bituminous

substance (7)

17 An American colloquial term for a tornado


20 One who foretells; a diviner or

prognostic­ator (10)

22 A member of a Bantu-speaking people in

Rwanda and Burundi (4)

24 A small American bird akin to the warblers


26 A type of cream cake (6)

27 The goddess of wisdom in Greek

mythology (6)

28 A Knight of the Round Table (8) DOWN 1 A single-chamber megalithic tomb (6) 2 A type of dye used to colour foodstuffs (8) 3 American edentates armed with bands of bony plates (10)

4 Rowdy or obstrepero­us (coll) (7) 5 Recess at the east end of a church choir (4) 6 A member of a native American tribe, originally in Nebraska (6)

7 A wise guy or simpleton quite unaware of being such (8)

14 A city near the Gulf of Mexico (pop 400,000), nicknamed the “Big Easy” (3,7) 16 Tobias __ (1721 - 71), a Scottish novelist who wrote The Adventures of Roderick Random (8)

18 Friedrich __ (1759 - 1805), a German poet, philosophe­r, playwright, etc (8) 19 William __ (1494 - 1536), a leading figure in the Reformatio­n, executed for heresy (7) 21 A small South American monkey (3-3) 23 The largest moon of the planet Neptune (6) 215 Burl __ (1909 - 95), US folk-singer and film

actor (4)

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