The Scotsman

Kenny Macaskill

- Kenny Macaskill

Brexiteers are as deluded as post-war French imperialis­ts – and face same humiliatio­n

As Marx said, “history repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce”. And so, it would seem that the Brexiteers are, ironically, destined to repeat the mistakes of France, their supposed arch foe. Earlier this week I once again watched Ken Burns’ magnificen­t documentar­y on the Vietnam War, episode one setting the scene as the Americans enter and the French withdraw. That situation, in some ways, echoes what’s being sought for Britain now.

Despite defeat and occupation in the Second World War, restoring the glories of the French Empire became the aim for France. They were sustained by American financial and military support during their own Vietnam War. But it still dragged France down and ended in humiliatin­g defeat at Dien Bien Phu.

Withdraw they did and their humbling continued in Algeria, although that was viewed as part of metropolit­an France, and was therefore slightly different. Political crises were endured before they came to terms with their new, postcoloni­al status. It took the prestige of General De Gaulle to finally deliver the unpalatabl­e message to some.

It came at a huge cost, not just politicall­y but economical­ly, the history of post-war France making it abundantly clear that had they not tried to maintain their empire they, not Germany, would have been the economic powerhouse of Europe. Instead, resources which should have gone into reindustri­alisation went into preserving perceived status. A diminished economy and reduced political influence was the result, along with the national humiliatio­n. Membership of the EEC and closer cooperatio­n with European neighbours became the policy. That turned things around but at a price.

Today in the UK, the Brexiteers have their man and he’s pledged to deliver. But bluff and bluster can’t deliver the undelivera­ble. There’s neither give by the EU nor offers from elsewhere. Even the supposed special relationsh­ip with the USA is a sham, as the price of a trade deal becomes clear and the absence of support over Iran exposes. Britain’s economy is suffering, the inward investment from Asia that it was

in prime position to benefit from is being lost and its political status is sinking fast.

All the talk of restored prestige for Britain, if not the restoratio­n of the Golden Days of the Empire, is sailing over the horizon. Instead the reality of a diminished power, diminishin­g further, is playing out by the day. As the pound heads towards parity with the dollar and with the demise of the UK car industry, the reality is brutal.

How humiliatin­g for the new PM that he has to rest on the support of the EU for protection of British vessels passing through the Strait of Hormuz. With the Royal Navy having just 19 ships, the days of multiple

fleets for the seven seas are long gone. Just as Boris Johnson prepares to confront them over the withdrawal agreement, the UK is going cap in hand for their help.

Bullishnes­s will be the façade for a while to come, but HMS Brexit is heading for the rocks with us all aboard. Adjusting to the new world and steering a course for a country with an important, albeit reduced, status is what’s required. Sadly, Brexiteers are still intent on steering a course for restoratio­n of empire status at full throttle.

The Age of Empire is over, no matter how much Churchilli­an spirit you unleash. It might be hard for Brexiteers to comprehend as the

empire wasn’t lost in war or revolution, instead it simply faded away. But it is gone and cannot be restored.

Strategic alliances are necessary, not just on defence but for the economy. Britain simply isn’t big enough or powerful enough to operate alone. The competitio­n from the Far East is every bit as threatenin­g to our economy as Iran is to our shipping. There’s no going back for Britain as there wasn’t for France. Being alone and isolated is dangerous and damaging, the USA a fair-weather friend at best as shown with Iran and a threat to the NHS and welfare state in any economic relationsh­ip.

I rarely agree with Philip Hammond

but his talk of a national humiliatio­n may soon come to pass. If Boris Johnson drags us out with no deal, it’ll be disastrous, even cataclysmi­c.

And even if that’s avoided and some ruse to hide capitulati­on is managed, there’s going to be a decline in the standards of living for citizens and a reduction in political influence for the country.

Ultimately, we’ll end up back where we started but weakened, diminished and humiliated. That’s what happened to France, how ironic that Brexiters seem intent on repeating it.

What a waste – and all for delusions of empire.

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