The Scotsman

Climate change activists promote agenda with blockade en route to Queen


Greenpeace protesters briefly blocked the route of Boris Johnson as he was driven to meet the Queen, demanding he “get to grips with the climate emergency”.

The activists, wearing sashes reading “climate emergency”, held hands to form a human chain across the Mall in central London yesterday, holding up the vehicle taking Mr Johnson for his meeting at Buckingham Palace. Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven tried to hand Mr Johnson the environmen­tal group’s 134-point climate emergency manifesto detailing the wide-ranging policies it believes the new administra­tion must implement.

The group wants an emergency budget to put the UK on a path to net zero emissions and for the government to stop supporting “damaging” projects such as the Heathrow expansion.

It also wants the new Prime Minister to introduce “gold standard” environmen­tal laws, guarantee a just transition so workers can switch from high to low carbon jobs, and show internatio­nal leadership on climate change.

The action by Greenpeace is the latest in a growing wave of protests calling for action to tackle the climate and environmen­t emergency, with school strikes by children and disruption by Extinction Rebellion.

Earlier, anti-brexit campaigner­s projected an image of Mr Johnson holding a kipper on to Buckingham Palace, with the words: “Your Majesty, your new prime minister is a liar.”

The protest was the latest from Led By Donkeys, a campaign that highlights hypocritic­alorconten­tiousstate­ments by politician­s.

The stunt was a reference to accusation­s the new Prime Minister had spread fake news over Isle of Man kippers.

 ??  ?? 0 Greenpeace supporters form a human chain across the Mall
0 Greenpeace supporters form a human chain across the Mall

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