The Scotsman




Theresa May takes Prime Minister’s Questions from the House of Commons for the final time.

@Peterstefa­novi2 said: “Theresa May’s final PMQS showed just how detached she really is from the reality of the poverty, misery & despair her party’s policies have inflicted on the country.”

@Joepike noted: “‘Thank you, Mr Speaker.’ Theresa May v emotional as she shakes the hand of John Bercow. Leaves the Commons for the final time as PM to part standing ovation.”

@owenjbenne­tt added: “Theresa May leaves to a standing ovation from Tory MPS. Labour frontbench sit on their hands. Lib Dems do applaud.”

@Iainmartin said: “V good Scottish Questions with demob-happy Mundell. Anna Soubry says she hopes he stays in post. Mundell says her endorsemen­t has sealed his fate.”

@danbloom tweeted: “Philip May had a good laugh in the public gallery after Jo Swinson asks Theresa May ‘how to deal with those men who think they can do a better job but are not able to do the actual work.’

@Robdothutt­on wrote: “Blimey, Tory MPS apparently love Theresa May! Remind me why she’s resigning?”


The new PM continued to be the talk of Twitter.

@Dpjhodges mused: “Who runs the country for the hour or so between Theresa May resigning and Boris Johnson being formally appointed by the Queen?”

@Davidhughe­spa answered: “The Queen. It’s always the Queen.”

@davewiner said: “I’m rewatching The Crown on Netflix, and wondering what Boris Johnson’s first audience with Queen Elizabeth will be like.”

@Sanhotree wondered: “What time is the ritual beheading? I don’t want to miss that bit.”

@Glenn_riley wrote: “Boris elected Tory leader, followed by massive thundersto­rm. The Gods are angry.”

@Thelittles­hop04 said: “I don’t like to tweet on politics or religion but the world is doomed with Tweedledee and Tweedledum in charge of two of the most influentia­l countries in the world, what the hell is going to happen.”

@Plaidcymru wrote: “Boris Johnson Prime Minister – the four most frightenin­g words in politics”

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