The Scotsman

Davidson reiterates opposition to no deal Brexit ahead of Johnson meeting


believe the best thing for Britain, given our decision to leave the EU, is to take the course of action the new Prime Minister built his leadership pitch on – to leave on 31 October with a deal.

“There are huge challenges in changing that deal, but I hope beyond measure the new Prime Minister is successful in getting an agreement with the EU so he can go back to the House of Commons and get the majority backing he needs. He has my full support in those efforts.”

Ms Davidson continued: “Where I differ with the UK government is on the question of a no-deal Brexit. When I was debating against the pro-brexit side in 2016, I don’t remember anybody saying we should crash out of the EU with no arrangemen­ts in place to help maintain the vital trade that flows uninterrup­ted between Britain and the European Union.

“I don’t think the government should pursue a no-deal Brexit and, if it comes to it, I won’t support it.

“As leader of the party in Scotland, my position exists independen­tly of government. I don’t have to sign a no-deal pledge to continue to serve.” The Scottish Tory leader rejected SNP claims that a nodeal Brexit would boost the case for independen­ce, saying: “I doubt most Scots will be buying it.”

But she added: “I will not be backward in challengin­g Mr Johnson’s government where I think they are getting it wrong – and Boris is more than welcome to do the same to me when he thinks I’m wrong too.”

Adam Tomkins, the shadow Constituti­onal Relations Secretary, insisted that Ms Davidson’s position was consistent with the UK government, because “the Prime Minister doesn’t want a no-deal”.

“I know that Michael Gove, who is in charge of no-deal preparatio­ns, definitely wants a deal. Preparing for a no-deal Brexit isn’t the same as pursuing one.”

But Mr Tomkins added that failing to deliver Brexit after a seven-month delay “would be catastroph­ic, not just for the Tories, but for parliament­ary democracy” because it would fuel the rise of “populist” Nigel Farage.

The Tory MSP also conceded that “if [the Prime Minister] is unsuccessf­ul in getting a new Brexit deal, it may be necessary to go back to the people in a general election”, something Downing Street says it has no plans to do.

SNP MP Stephen Gethins said it was “time for Ruth Davidson to find a backbone” and offer serious opposition to a no-deal Brexit “instead of always rolling-over”.

“She says she will support Mr Johnson but not a no-deal Brexit – but the fact is you can’t do both,” the SNP’S foreign affairs spokesman said.

“Her position is untenable and weak.”

The Scottish Finance Secretary, Derek Mackay, said there was “nothing new” in the funding package to be announced by the Prime Minister.

Labour’s shadow Scottish Secretary, Lesley Laird, said: “Ruth Davidson used to say Boris Johnson’s Brexit policies weren’t good enough for this country.

“But now Boris Johnson is in Downing Street, Ruth Davidson has some serious thinking to do.

“Is she now going to back a Tory Prime Minister, who she did not support and who is moving towards a disastrous no-deal Brexit which will damage our economy, place our NHS in danger and put Scotland’s place in the UK at risk?”

Mr Johnson is expected to be accompanie­d by members of his Cabinet including Scottish Secretary Alister Jack and the Scottish Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove.

Speaking ahead of his visit, the Prime Minister – who named himself Minister for the Union on taking office – said the Union had a ‘bright future.

“Our Union is the most successful political and economic union in history. We are a global brand and together we are safer, stronger and more prosperous,” he said. “So as we prepare for our bright future after Brexit, it’s vital we renew the ties that bind our United Kingdom.

“I’m proud to be in Scotland today to make clear that I am a passionate believer in our great Union and I look forward to visiting Wales and Northern Ireland to ensure that every decision I make as Prime Minister promotes and strengthen­s our Union.”

plan to split from the UK Conservati­ves in order to “detoxify” the party’s brand in Scotland.

“I’m completely confident that we can raise more money for the new party than SCUP has raised for many years,” he said at the time. “We shouldn’t be frightened of stepping out on our own.”

Ruth Davidson, whose close friend and ally David Mundell was sacked by Boris Johnson to make way for Mr Jack, campaigned against the plans for a breakaway.

The Scottish Tory leader repeated her opposition to any split yesterday, saying she was “irked” by the speculatio­n and insisting: “Not on my watch”.

Speaking during the 2011 contest, he said: “Everyone’s concerns about Murdo’s plans would be whether he would get enough support to get the party off the ground.

“For years the Scottish Conservati­ve and Unionist Party has needed someone to take the bull by the horns and tell us how to sort ourselves out. In Murdo, we have him.”

In a statement, Mr Jack said that the “world has moved on since 2011”.

The Scottish Secretary added: “The party has made great strides both north and south of the Border and that success has come about by all of us working together under the fantastic leadership of Ruth Davidson.”

 ??  ?? 0 The new Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces a tense face-to-face meeting with Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson during his visit to Scotland today after she refused to support a no-deal Brexit
0 The new Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces a tense face-to-face meeting with Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson during his visit to Scotland today after she refused to support a no-deal Brexit
 ??  ?? 0 Stephen Gethins: ‘Time for Davidson to find a backbone’
0 Stephen Gethins: ‘Time for Davidson to find a backbone’
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