The Scotsman

Inside Justice

With big decisions, we need to worry less about who we upset, writes Karyn Mccluskey


Barack Obama once said, “What’s troubling is the gap between the magnitude of our challenges and the smallness of our politics… our seeming inability to build a working consensus to tackle any big problem”. He said that, when someone came up with a big idea to tackle some of these issues, the interest groups and partisans would kick it around like a football until we lost the solution.

I’m sure many of you, especially those working in the public service or the third sector, have seen this happen to so many potential solutions and it’s enough to make you weep. There are so many big challenges at the moment – the loss of lives through drugs, prison population, poverty, health inequaliti­es – and every missed opportunit­y or ineffectiv­e compromise can add to a fatalism that real, seismic change just isn’t possible. Politician­s must feel it most of all.

Often public opinion will be the excuse used to dilute bold proposals and, when you have to keep one eye on forthcomin­g elections, it’s understand­able that there might be reservatio­ns about something that rocks the boat too much. But is public opinion really so conservati­ve? When we polled the Scottish public about justice, there was huge support for offenders to rebuild their lives and rehabilita­tion, and “prevention” was identified as the primary objective of the justice system. The conversati­ons going on now in Scotland in light of the drug death figures show people are open to considerin­g a huge range of interventi­ons to turn around this grim toll of preventabl­e death. There’s disagreeme­nt on the solutions, sure, but everyone is determined that this should change – and I haven’t heard anyone say we should jail people for longer. This doesn’t square with the assumption that the public are only punitive and interested solely in pursuing retributio­n. Sometimes it’s easy to confuse how the Press responds to an issue with the what the public think. The message from our polling was that people want less crime and for everyone to have better lives – and what they need is informatio­n, ideas and evidence about what will achieve that.

So what should we – campaigner­s, politician­s and public servants – do to help change the status quo? I’m not a seer but if we are to transform our future we need to worry less about who we might upset. Of course we should consider the impact on all parts of our community but it’s more important to ask, “What else could this look like?” and “Does this make things better and not worse?” Being too concerned with how people might react can cow us – and if we lose our bravery, we’ll never be able propose those big, hard solutions, never mind put them into practice.

However, we do need to talk to and listen to everyone. Seek out those voices that are the least heard, those who are the most affected, those who are the closest and the furthest away from the issue. Expertise comes in all shapes and when the goal is a fundamenta­l shift in how we address long-standing and pernicious social problems, it needs to be about and with all of us. It’s about what’s right – not who’s right.

But most importantl­y people must be at the heart of it. Every decision, proposal, spreadshee­t, budget line and project plan – if the people who you serve are at the centre of it, you can’t go far wrong. The destinatio­n might be a speck on the horizon, but if we get the direction of travel right we could be on our way to a happier, healthier and fairer Scotland. Karyn Mccluskey is chief executive of Community Justice Scotland

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