The Scotsman




“I’ve got my summer campaign plan in place, we’ve got most of our candidates selected in all our marginal constituen­cies” – Jeremy Corbyn tells Ridge on Sunday he is preparing to take on Boris Johnson in a general election.

@Johnmac710­45509 wrote: “Please, please Labour don’t get rid of JC, he is the Tories’ greatest asset. Along with his back-up, Abbot, Lammy, Mcdonnell, Thornbury, Cooper and not forgetting Starmer or what ever you call him, certainly not Sir. They could form their own comedy show. So entertaini­ng.” And @Anthonyjoh­ng added: “Johnson is praying Labour doesn’t get rid of him before he can take him on in an election.”

@Johnstanne­rs commented: “Says it all about Corbyn. He cares much more about winning an election than stopping a hard Brexit.”

@gj_hart disagreed: “Very impressed by #Corbyn. Calm and clear, sounding like a PM in waiting.”

And @Heidiowen1­2 added: “Seems to be getting slightly better at speaking in a relaxed way focused on communicat­ion, instead of being bristly and defensive.” But @1973graeme concluded: “He is fixated with the process and has forgotten that people have got to actually still believe in him. It is not 2017 any more. Times have moved on, he hasn’t. Stuck in a time warp which his enemies have expertly exploited to discredit any chance he has.”


President Donald Trump has sparked controvers­y once again after attacking an African-american lawmaker, Elijah Cummings, tweeting that his district in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, is a “disgusting, rat and rodentinfe­sted mess”.

@Theprophec­arial commented: “Pres. Trump just told the truth! Baltimore is devastated and has been for years!”

But @Benmccrory­fbi felt that: “Trump should engage with criticisms of conditions at the border rather than acting outraged and indulging in racist whataboute­ry. ”

@Detrickman­ning: “Elijah Cummings has been my representa­tive for the past 20 years that I was a resident of Maryland. I’m disgusted but not surprised at the racist attacks targeting him & my hometown. @ Repcumming­s has done more for our district, city & nation than Trump ever will.”

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