The Scotsman

Off the buses


off, and the overwhelmi­ng evidence from facts and figures, and from the SNP’S performanc­e in government, convinces them of the latter.

Jock Tamson The SNP are only a vehicle to independen­ce, so their individual policy positions are of no great interest to me. I will continue to vote for them even though I disagree with most of them. Left versus right is a debate to be had in a future general election to an independen­t democratic parliament in an independen­t democratic country. It’s the “democracy” bit that we need to achieve first. Democracy was achieved in 2014. You weren’t so keen on it then. Bus drivers will walk out for “deeply damaging” strike action from the first day of the Edinburgh Fringe after drivers threatened strike action over what they claim is “hostile” and “bullying” management.

I support the Lothian Bus drivers and staff 100% ... even though it will take me about an hour and half to walk to work. They have to make a

Gogs Dickson

Can someone explain how you get bullied driving a bus? You arrive at the depot, get into your bus, drive the required number of hours you get paid for, go back to the depot, get out the bus and go home. Where does the bullying come into it?

Jim Mccall

Union with brass neck badly advising their members to accept a pathetic insulting offer. The teachers’ union got an easy 13%.

Oldyun Day job? No, just Jeane (400 days in a year) Freeman adding a few extra days into her busy schedule.

634 TDJ Enter a Scottish hospital and you have one chance in 333 not coming out alive. Enter a English hospital and you have one chance in 1,000 not coming out alive.

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