The Scotsman

Scotland’s rural landscape is an ace up its sleeve

- Comment Gib Bulloch

No one needs to convince me about the merits of taking stock of your career – or that Scotland is the right place to do it. I’ll tell you why in a minute. But without sounding like I’m representi­ng the Scotland’s tourist board, there are many reasons why it’s even easier today to combine career, health and wellbeing and be in one of the most beautiful parts of the world.

In the mid-1980s, I left my childhood home in Rothesay on the Isle of Bute and set off to study in Glasgow before taking the well-worn path to the bright lights of London. So-called “brain-drain” has affected many rural communitie­s, not only in Scotland, but across the world. It’s a trend that has continued throughout my working career. I was saddened to hear of Argyll and Bute’s population dropping by a stag

gering 4 per cent in 2017 alone. At the same time, Edinburgh saw double-digit growth in its population, while London continues to act as a lightning rod for young profession­als from north of the Border.

Despite these worrying statistics, I’d suggest that the grass may no longer be greener in the concrete jungles of our modern cities. Bute’s isolation, lack of access to employment and rural tranquilli­ty were clearly underlying factors in the ongoing exodus of its younger generation. But with modern connectivi­ty, we’re entering the age of the “digital nomad” – individual­s who can connect to the global economy to make a living, irrespecti­ve of their physical location. The lure of affordable housing and a safe, cohesive community could offer the island something of a renaissanc­e – rebalancin­g the urban mix.

But in a paradoxica­l twist, I believe it’s the very isolation and ability to completely detach from the demands of a digital age that might offer the greatest potential for regenerati­on. I’m convinced these erstwhile drawbacks could, in fact, become comparativ­e advantages that should be capitalise­d upon.

The lure of a life in the business fast lane and a well-paid corporate job comes at a price. As companies have downsized, those who are “lucky” enough to be kept on find themselves in ever-expanding roles and a 24/7, always-online lifestyle that doesn’t respect weekends. Small wonder that there’s a mental health crisis emerging in the workplace – a topic where I have a bit of form. The constant distractio­n of technology, results, busy roles, and tight deadlines means that the business world is suffering from a kind of collective Attention Deficit Disorder. What if we were to slow down a little – take the time to breathe and to focus less on what we’re doing and more on where we’re going?

Last year, I decided to trade my two-bedroom flat in London for a derelict farm on Bute that I am renovating as Scotland’s first “Business Decelerato­r” – a place that offers busy executives the chance to temporaril­y disconnect from their day jobs to reconnect with themselves. The space will create a fusion between big business and the transforma­tive power of art, music, nature and community. Craigberoc­h is a venue that seeks to balance the typical business profession­al’s bias for doing, with the power of just being.

So, why here and why now? Scotland has a proud history of applying innovation for the benefit the planet – from Sir Alexander Fleming’s penicillin to the television invented by John Logie Baird. Besides the obvious benefits of resilience, wellbeing and employee engagement, I envision the business decelerato­r being a catalyst for social innovation – in our “always on” culture, it’s well overdue.

Scotland could be key in awakening a generation of dormant Elon (Mac)musk-type social intraprene­urs and innovators inside the corporate world – unlocking commercial value for our companies and social and environmen­tal impact for the planet. On a personal level, I hope that Craigberoc­h plays a part in that important journey.

Gib Bulloch is author of The Intraprene­ur: Confession­s of a corporate insurgent and founder of Craigberoc­h Business Decelerato­r

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