The Scotsman

Here’s how a hardline Cabinet may actually result in a softer Brexit

● Craig Berry argues the backstop is likely to become the first stop in Johnson’s ‘cunning plan’

- Comment Labour’s Hilary Benn

“Boris Johnson says that a no-deal Brexit is a ‘million to one’ possibilit­y. And yet he’s set up a special Cabinet

Boris Johnson’s appointmen­t of a Cabinet full of Brexit hardliners will be alarming for anybody concerned about the possibilit­y of a no-deal Brexit, and the stewardshi­p of the UK’S economy and public services. But it’s not the whole story. In practice, the appearance of a hardline stance on EU withdrawal by a Johnson government may be the very thing that unlocks the possibilit­y of avoiding a chaotic break with the Continent.

We saw the worst and best of Johnson on his first days in office. The appointmen­t of people with highly reactionar­y views, or those who have shown contempt for both Britain’s democratic system and national security laws, purely because it suits immediate political interests, paints a disturbing picture of the character of Johnson’s premiershi­p.

At the same time, the assembly of Team Boris may just have demonstrat­ed – no less disturbing­ly, perhaps – Johnson’s supreme skills as a political operator.

It’s generally believed that Johnson is not being entirely truthful about his Brexit plans. Convention­al wisdom suggests that he will simply rebrand Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement – which he did eventually vote for – and force it through Parliament with sheer bravado.

But this scenario understate­s the problem of the Irish border backstop designed to kick in if alternativ­es to a hard border on the island of Ireland cannot be found. Without Labour’s support, there will still be enough truebeliev­ing Brexiters on the Conservati­ve back benches to block any deal containing May’s hated backstop – even ministeria­l resignatio­ns would be likely. But the EU will not countenanc­e anything resembling May’s deal without a backstopli­ke mechanism for the Irish border.

In Johnson’s cunning plan, however, the backstop is likely to become the first stop. I think he will soon signal his willingnes­s for Britain to remain in both the single market and customs union as part of a lengthy transition­al period – possibly as long as five years – before a UK-EU free trade deal is agreed. Short of permanent single market membership via the European Economic Area – which the EU will never offer – this would represent the softest possible Brexit.

All he requires from the EU is a commitment to this timetable, in return for ongoing budget contributi­ons for several years, and of course payment of the divorce settlement when the UK finally departs from the single market and customs union.

This doesn’t fully alleviate the need for something like the backstop – since even five years may not be enough time to agree a trade deal

– but with May’s 21-month “implementa­tion period” now irrelevant, it starts to feel purely hypothetic­al.

Crucially, Britain will still leave the EU in a formal sense on 31 October, 2019, relinquish­ing all political representa­tion. With ironic inevitabil­ity, if it leaves with a deal involving a lengthy transition, Britain will become the rule-taking “vassal state” of which Johnson once warned. An elongated Brexit will be deemed a price worth paying for an irrevocabl­e Brexit.

Johnson’s masterstro­ke is to tie the key figures of the Leave campaign now in his Cabinet to this strategy, while effectivel­y conceding the demands of Tory Remainers. The former know this might be their last chance to secure Brexit, and the latter know this might be their last chance to avoid no deal.

We can then expect a general election to be called, for early November or sooner if the new withdrawal process has been agreed. Johnson’s minority government cannot possibly function beyond Brexit with so many ousted ministers on the back benches. However, whether he wins a workable majority or not, I also expect the complexion of his government to change dramatical­ly after this point, with the return of senior Remainers such as Jeremy Hunt and Greg Clark, and the promotion of people like Johnson’s brother Jo. It would be foolish to discount the continuing possibilit­y of a no-deal Brexit, not least because Johnson will prove himself incompeten­t and indifferen­t, in equal measure, when it comes to delivering his plan in practice.

While his political strategy depends on stuffing his Cabinet with hardliners, their ideologica­l myopia renders them ill-suited to the task of managing a major constituti­onal upheaval, yet perversely over-confident in their ability to do so.

Even the best laid plans often go wrong. And best laid plans, these are not. Yet it’s worth rememberin­g that nobody on the Leave side in 2016 envisaged a no-deal Brexit. It was May herself who, almost by accident, raised this possibilit­y in her 2017 Lancaster House speech. May quickly backed away from the notion of leaving without a withdrawal agreement, yet accepting the prospect neverthele­ss became a test of purity among the Brexiters.

The Johnson government will now ramp up planning for a no-deal Brexit, but the fact that this job has been handed to Michael Gove – who thwarted Johnson’s leadership ambitions in 2016 – is highly revealing.

If we listen only to Johnson’s rhetoric, we could deduce he has appointed Gove to a significan­t and indeed pivotal role.

In practice, it will be a highly demanding job, but one which could end up being rather marginal to the main thrust of the Johnson government’s plans. The fate of Britain’s position on immigratio­n is perhaps the most fascinatin­g element of the multi-dimensiona­l debacle. Johnson’s deal is likely to see free movement continue – certainly for several years, and perhaps indefinite­ly.

Do not be fooled by references to an Australias­tyle points-based system, designed only to reassure Tory voters but practicall­y meaningles­s. Johnson and the “Britannia Unchained” brigade of free marketeers are almost unabashedl­y proimmigra­tion.

But we tend to underestim­ate how much May’s insistence on ending free movement hamstrung her premiershi­p. As such, if he accepts free movement, Johnson risks handing Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party a new stick with which to attack his strategy. This is all the more reason for an early election, before the immigratio­n policy implicatio­ns of Johnson’s approach become clear among the wider electorate.

Craig Berry is a Reader in Political Economy, Manchester Metropolit­an University

This article first appeared on theconvers­

 ??  ?? 0 Johnson has filled his Cabinet with hardline Brexit supporters and repeatedly warned that the UK is prepared to leave without a deal
0 Johnson has filled his Cabinet with hardline Brexit supporters and repeatedly warned that the UK is prepared to leave without a deal
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