The Scotsman

Toilet trouble


Angry parents have told how children went back to their Midlothian primary school after half-term to find the toilets had been made unisex.

I can’t see an issue with this. It’s all private, we all use the same toilet at home. It’s all cubicles and in our new build schools they are actually individual toilets. Who’s making this an issue – the kids or the parents??

Caroline Corrigan Sharing a “family” bathroom with family is quite different from the entire street sharing it.

Barbara Craig

I don’t necessaril­y disagree with unisex toilets in school. However, I think first they should have had an assembly with the students and see how many of them were actually comfortabl­e with it – they are the users after all.

Nicole Crawford

A lot of silly conflict here. Teach your children to be very respectful of all others. Teach them there is no tolerance for inappropri­ate behaviour in the bathroom. There could always be a unisex facility, and one for males and one for females, if adults can’t adjust. Tolerance is the lesson.

Gayle E Hardy Provided they are appropriat­ely designed,

I’d prefer that schools and other facilities went unisex. It works in France and we just need to grow up and get over it.

Paul Grant

I have to agree with those against this policy, which is just another one detrimenta­l to the needs of young females. The safety of young females by retaining a protected space in a very public area should remain paramount. Those who cannot understand the reason for this are at best naive, or just plain ignorant.

Heather Martin This is nonsense. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it (and I do not mean the toilet door). I was a headteache­r in a little primary school for 20 years. The only toilet problem I had was little boys occasional­ly not standing close enough to the urinals!

Freda Drysdale They have them in my son’s school. He never used to use the toilets when they weren’t unisex as the cubicles weren’t private, the partition didn’t go from floor to ceiling. The new unisex toilets are more modern and private, no one can peer under or over the partition wall, the doors are locked and they are more private so now he

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