The Scotsman

Juniors playing in adult events is no brainer - and not just for developmen­t


So, the “Pillocks of the Year” prize goes to the lady members who wanted to stop juniors from taking part in their club competitio­ns – before someone with a grasp on modernday life intervened.

Well done to John Clark, the managing director of Ping, for quickly stepping in and avoiding any further embarassme­nt for Thonock Park, which is owned by the equipment manufactur­er. But what on earth possessed the lady members at the Lincolnshi­re club to pass such a vote?

Was it because they are precious wee souls and don’t like losing out to youngsters in competitio­ns? If so, they should hang their heads in shame because such an attitude is just not acceptable in the sport.

No wonder there were lots of people expressing disbelief at the decision before Clark issued a statement from Ping’s nearby European headquarte­rs to say it had been revoked due to the fact it was “completely against the values, principles and philosophi­es” of the company.

“This shouldn’t even be a debate/question!” declared Bradley Neil, the 2014 Amateur champion, on Twitter and, in fairness, he should know, having played in men’s competitio­ns at Blairgowri­e as he came through the junior ranks.

“Most of the best golfers – if not all – this game has seen will have played adult competitio­ns as a junior. How can we expect to grow the game if we deny them the chance to improve?”

Exactly and how ironic that this story came to light on the same day that 15-year-old Englishman Josh Hill earned a place in the record books by becoming the youngest winner of an Official World Golf Ranking event with his victory in the Al Ain Open on the MENA Tour, one of the game’s third-tier circuits. Like many players of his age, Hill has seen his game flourish through competing against adults from an early age.

There’s more to it than just that, though. Youngsters can learn life skills from spending time in adult company and, speaking from experience, a golf course can be one of the best places to appreciate that.

Yes, of course, there are some people out there who aren’t necessaril­y the ideal role models but, in the main, the majority of people that play the game can be instrument­al in that respect and, what’s more, are happy to do so.

It really is a no brainer that juniors should be allowed to play in adult competitio­ns and even more so these days when older members should feel a sense of duty when it comes to doing everything possible to proctect the future of their golf club.

If Ping hadn’t stepped in, those lady members at Thonock Park would have been scoring a shocking own goal as far as the club was concerned and also for the game itself in the bigger picture.

At a time when attracting new blood into the game is vital, the sport needs more players like Hannah Darling, for example, who has been encouraged by her home club, Broomiekno­we, and has seen her talent blossom as a consequenc­e.

Would she be on the verge of breaking into the world’s top 100 if she’d been stopped from playing against older and more experience­d players over the last few years? Probably not.

Youngsters can learn life skills from spending time in adult company and a golf course is great for that

 ??  ?? 0 Hannah Darling: Blossomed at her club, Broomiekno­we
0 Hannah Darling: Blossomed at her club, Broomiekno­we
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