The Scotsman

SNP quandary


Jeremy Corbyn is slightly ambivalent when he indicates that as Prime Minister he would not sanction Indyref2 during the first term of a Labour Government but then clarifies his position by telling us that he would not sanction a second referendum in “the early years of a Labour Government”.

Jeremy knows very well that he may need the support of the SNP to gain a working majority

at Westminste­r, and if Scotland becomes independen­t that support which at present is around 35 seats would vanish.

The SNP therefore have to decide whether they wish to join up with Labour in a bid to oust the Conservati­ves without a deal on independen­ce or do they play hardball and demand a second referendum

which, if successful, would probably mean the end of Labour’s chances of being in government.

JAMES MACINTYRE Clarendon Road, Linlithgow

I can see why fact-checking is considered more important for this election then ever before. For example, experts have checked and agreed with Labour’s figures for free full fibre broadband, but most papers are bloating the costs.

It’s the last hurrah of the Neoliberal­s – and that’s why we’ll have more of the same. They claim that Labour will waste money whereas the Tories will be frugal and “fix the roof ”.

But you can’t fix a roof if the building is falling apart.the austerity policy has not promoted growth so our indebtedne­ss had not come down. For this reason the roof isn’t fixed and the policy is now abandoned by all.

Neo-liberalism did not work. Leaving the EU is the last fling of those who believe in low regulation and a free market economy. Conservati­ve election promises of tax giveaways and money thrown around unstrategi­cally will just be more of the same – just muddled laissez-faire tinkering.

Labour’s infrastruc­ture spending and sensible investing in broadband, utilities and environmen­talism will make profits for government and more tax for our coffers.

It’s time for those of us who oppose this future to stop squabbling and unite together. Fix the building so we can mend the roof.

ANDREW VASS Corbiehill Place, Edinburgh

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