The Scotsman



The leader of the Scottish Conservati­ves, Jackson Carlaw, has said “the rocks will melt with the sun” before his party supports a second independen­ce referendum.

And the rocks will melt in the sun before Ms Sturgeon and the SNP let the Scottish people know a fiscal, economic plan and a duplicatio­n of key services plan ... independen­ce without knowing the facts is madness and reckless.

Watson Watt

You only have to look at the Children’s Hospital fiasco to see what a reckless bunch of good-for-nothings they are.

elle hague

So rocks will melt before the Tories will give Scotland, yes, Carlaw it is Scotland, not Nicola , a vote on it’s future. Not exactly a democratic position.

The SNP run our NHS; the SNP run our education; the SNP run our courts ... badly.


As a Unionist I welcome Indyref2 anytime. I know it won’t happen because the result will be as before and SNP knows this. Total losers.

Andrew Macaulay

Tories’ record over the past ten years is the worst of any government ever. The list of massive failures is unbelievab­le. To name but just a few: Brexit, austerity, Universal Credit, privatisat­ion of prison service, Hinkley Point, HS2, Windrush, reducing police force by 20,000 officers. There’s a hell of a lot more. I could be here all day listing them and then Carlaw tries to tell us Scotland would be better in the hands of the people who have ruined the UK in less than ten years.


You cannot go shouting and bawling about independen­ce until plans are in place, considerab­le or not, and the problem is those that want independen­ce seem to think that the Scottish people will roll over and not ask too many awkward questions on that and that is the truth of it. and it is no use producing plans after independen­ce; apart from being unpractica­l it is insane.

Scotlandan­dthe Union Forever entitlemen­t for over-75s, the SNP has said.

Or scrap it and let the market decide what things are worth to people.

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